Central to the role of a forensic psychologist is the art of conducting a comprehensive and thorough clinical interview. In this process, they delve into the intricacies of human behavior, unraveling the complexities of the individual's psychological makeup. Moreover, they explore an expansive range of collateral information, gathering data from various sources, including interviews with relevant parties and the examination of objective evidence.

A hallmark of their practice lies in the adept selection, administration, scoring, and interpretation of robust personality and psycho-emotional tests. These powerful tools yield objective data, providing invaluable insights into the cognitive and psychological functioning of the individuals under scrutiny. Armed with this information, the forensic psychologist can make well-informed and authoritative assessments, offering critical perspectives to psycho-legal inquiries.

In essence, forensic psychology acts as a bridge between science and the law, empowering legal practitioners, judges, and juries with the knowledge needed to make well-grounded and informed decisions. It is an indispensable discipline that strives to create a more comprehensive and just legal system, one that comprehends the profound complexities of the human mind.

Unlocking the Intersection of Psychology and the Law: The Essence of Forensic Psychology

At its core, Forensic Psychology represents the powerful synergy between the science of psychology and the complexities of the legal system. It is the profound application of psychological principles to a wide array of legal issues, a practice that seeks to shed light on the intricate interplay between human behavior and the law.

A skilled forensic psychologist possesses a unique ability to employ their extensive scientific knowledge and research expertise in service of addressing compelling legal questions. Through meticulous analysis and objective inquiry, they navigate the intricacies of the legal landscape, striving to unveil essential insights that can influence the course of justice.

Drawing on her years of training and hands-on experience, Dr. Lawing adeptly navigates the complexities of forensic psychology, translating intricate psychological concepts into clear and comprehensible language. Her ability to convey complex information in a digestible manner ensures that her testimony resonates with the court, leaving a lasting impact on the decision-making process.

Dr. Lawing's approach to expert witnessing is characterized by a commitment to meticulous research and diligent preparation. She leaves no stone unturned, meticulously analyzing case materials and applying her extensive knowledge to provide well-reasoned, objective, and authoritative opinions.

When you engage Dr. Kathryn Lawing as your expert witness, you can expect unwavering dedication to your case and the utmost professionalism at every stage. Her goal is to bring clarity to complex psychological matters, illuminating the intricacies of forensic psychology and enhancing the understanding of all involved parties.

With Dr. Lawing on your team, you gain a trusted partner who will bolster your legal strategy, offering a valuable and credible perspective that can be the key to swaying the outcome in your favor. Her expertise, combined with her ability to connect with the court and jury, makes her an indispensable asset for any legal matter requiring expert forensic insights.

How Dr. Lawing Can Make a Difference in Your Case

When it comes to presenting psychologically based legal questions in the courtroom, Dr. Kathryn Lawing stands as an unwavering advocate for accuracy and precision. Her primary goal as an expert witness is to provide decision-makers with reliable and well-informed information, ensuring that the opinions she offers are grounded in objectivity, never merely speculative.

With an impressive 15-year track record of working in forensic settings, Dr. Lawing brings a wealth of expertise to the table. Her courtroom demeanor is characterized by thoughtfulness, professionalism, and a relatable approach, earning her the respect of judges, attorneys, and juries alike. Thanks to her extensive experience teaching in university settings for over a decade, Dr. Lawing possesses the ideal combination of knowledge and "stage presence" required of an exceptional expert witness.

Criminal Law Issues

Affirmative Defense (Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity [NGRI]/Insanity Defense)

Depending on the state, a plea of “not guilty by reason of insanity” may be used. The insanity defense is an affirmative defense by excuse in a criminal case, arguing that the defendant is not responsible for their actions due to a serious mental health condition that precluded them from appreciating the nature and quality of the wrongfulness of their actions at the time of the alleged crime.

Waiver of Miranda Rights/Suggestibility

An assessment can determine if an individual knowingly and intelligently waived their Miranda Rights, and whether they did so voluntarily. Suggestibility refers to vulnerable populations who may make false statements during interrogations.

Mitigating/Aggravating Circumstances for Sentencing

Mitigating factors refer to developmental, social, economic, intellectual, and educational deficits that predispose an individual to criminality; oftentimes the findings are offered to the court as a way to reduce the severity of the sentence. Aggravating factors refer to information about the individual or nature of the crime that may make the crime worse in comparison to others.

Trial Competency

Assessment of a defendant’s understanding of their charges and the seriousness of the charges, and consequences of charges; understanding of the courtroom dynamics and trial process; and whether the defendant has the ability to assist in their own defense and make important decisions about their case.

Civil Law Issues

Employment Discrimination

On-the-job discrimination involves differential, unwanted, or inappropriate treatment based on race, gender, sexuality, religion (or lack of), or age. Diagnostic assessments can aid in determining the impact of the alleged discrimination.

Fitness for Duty Evaluation

The fitness for duty evaluation is performed when a circumstance occurs that may impair an employee, law enforcement officer, or other high risk professional from successfully performing essential job functions. of persons seeking to obtain medical (e.g., questions pertaining to workplace safety, return to work, reasonable accommodation, security clearance, promotional suitability, specialty assignment).

Independent Medical [Psychological] Evaluation

Often referred to as an independent medical evaluation, these psychological evaluations are assessments to determine an individual’s current psychological status, possible causes of their current status, prognosis, and treatments needed.

Personal Injury/Psychological Injuries and Emotional Distress

In personal injury (torts) cases, an individual may be compensated for emotional/psychological damages resulting from an injury. A forensic psychological evaluation will determine what, if any, psychological problems an individual has, and what, if anything, caused their psychological problems (particularly related to the claimant’s reported injury).